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Cлово "WELL"

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1. Тургенев И. С. - Виардо Полине, 9 (21) июля 1853 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 5кб.
2. История одного города. Издал М. Е. Салтыков. С. -Петербург, 1870
Входимость: 1. Размер: 15кб.
3. После смерти (Примечания)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 56кб.
4. Крылов и его басни. Пер. В. Р. Рольстона. 3-е издание, значительно расширенное
Входимость: 1. Размер: 14кб.

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1. Тургенев И. С. - Виардо Полине, 9 (21) июля 1853 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: 1 , cela me rend fort heureux - et je vous prie de continuer comme vous avez commence. - Tous ces concerts doivent vous fatiguer et vous ennuyer un brin. Mais vous vous reposerez a Courtavenel, dans ce cher petit coin de terre, que j'aurais ete si heureux de revoir! - Enfin, rien n'est impossible sur la terre, temoin... 2 Mais je n'ai que l'embarras du choix dans les impossibilites realisees - et je ne veux pas desesperer de revoir Courtavenel un beau jour - ah oui - pour beau -- il le sera - ce jour-la. - Ma sante est toujours un peu detraquee - mon estomac me donne du fil a retordre. - Enfin! - Je vous parlais dans ma derniere lettre de la sonate nR31 de Beethoven 3 - je voulais dire une des trois sonates connues sous le nom d'oeuvre 31. - Ah, theuere Freundinn, combien de fois je pense a vous en faisant de la musique - et ailleurs et toujours! - Soyez heureuse et bien portante. Mille choses a V et aux amis (j'ecrirai a Chorley a mon retour) - je vous embrasse les mains avec tendresse et vous benis du fond de mon coeur. Votre J. Tourg. Перевод с французского: Спасское, 9/21 июля 1853, Дорогая и добрая госпожа В<иардо> - beste Freundinn {лучший друг (нем.)....
2. История одного города. Издал М. Е. Салтыков. С. -Петербург, 1870
Входимость: 1. Размер: 15кб.
Часть текста: his time of persecution and of exile under the Emperor Nicholas, acquired a great deal of popularity by the publication, some fifteen years ago, of a series of sketches called Scenes of Provincial Life (Gubernskie Ocherki) , in which he lashed with indomitable vigour the numerous abuses then current under the name of Government and Justice. Saltykoff’s manner as a satirist somewhat resembles that of Juvenal. His laughter is bitter and strident, his raillery not unfrequently insulting. But, as we have already said, his violence often assumes the form of caricature. Now there are two kinds of caricature: that which exaggerates the truth, as with a magnifying glass, but which never entirely alters its nature, and that which more or less consciously deviates from the natural truth and proportion of fact. Saltykoff indulges in the first kind only, the only admissible one. It is the natural consequence of his character: kind and sensitive at bottom, but superficially rude. At the same time he is very delicate in his perceptions, which have something of instinct and divination about them. He has read much, and above all he has seen much. In fact he knows his own country better than any man living. The History of a Town — which is in reality a sort of satirical history of Russian society during the second half of the past and the beginning of the present century, under the form of a burlesque description of the town of Glupoff, and of the governors who successively ruled over it from 1762 to 1826 — could not well be translated in its entirety, nor do I think that it could be understood or appreciated by a Western public. The «taste of the soil» is too perceptible, and the language too often runs into slang. Frequently too the author allows his fancy to run away with him in a manner quite preposterous. In the ...
3. После смерти (Примечания)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 56кб.
Часть текста: смерти (Примечания) Примечания «После смерти». Корректурные гранки ВЕ. Полный текст первой корректуры с правкой Тургенева. 25 полос; после текста подпись: Ив. Тургенев. Хранится в ИРЛИ, ф. 293, оп. 3, № 136; описание см.: ПД, Описание, с. 17, № 48. Корректурные гранки ВЕ. Часть текста второй корректуры с пометами М. М. Стасюлевича и правкой Тургенева. Хранится в ИРЛИ, ф. 293, оп. 3, № 136; описание см.: ПД, Описание, с. 17, № 48. ВЕ, 1883, № 1, с. 13–62. Впервые опубликовано: ВЕ, 1883, № 1, с подписью и пометой: Ив. Тургенев. Буживаль, Октябрь. 1882. Печатается по тексту ВЕ с устранением явных опечаток, не замеченных Тургеневым, а также со следующими исправлениями по другим источникам: Стр. 103, строка 16: «похужел и в личике осунулся» вместо «похудел и в личике осунулся» (по наборной рукописи). Стр. 110, строка 35: «стыдно» вместо «стыдно» (по наборной рукописи). Стр. 111, строки 28–29: «у вас чудесные яблоки!» вместо «у вас чудные яблоки» (по наборной рукописи). Замысел повести относится к началу...
4. Крылов и его басни. Пер. В. Р. Рольстона. 3-е издание, значительно расширенное
Входимость: 1. Размер: 14кб.
Часть текста: of invention. His observant good sense penetrates to the roots of things, and he possesses a genuine kind of phlegmatic humour which betrays the Oriental element in Slavonic nature. In his birth and all the circumstances of his life Krilof was as Russian as possible: he was essentially national in his ways of thinking, feeling, and writing; and it may be maintained without exaggeration that a foreigner who has carefully studied Krilof’s fables will have a better idea of the Russian national character than if he had read through all the travels and essays that attempt to describe it. Russian children learn Krilof by heart as French ones do La Fontaine, without entering into all the wisdom of his teaching, but in later life they return to him with double profit. Like La Fontaine, but to a still greater degree, Krilof has supplied the public conscience with a number of precepts and adages and sayings which have become proverbial even in the mouth of unlettered peasants; no one is oftener quoted than he, and, like the Bible and Shakespeare in England, those who quote him have often no idea of their obligation — proof positive that his work has been completely absorbed into the national popular life from which it sprung. The present day offers no higher reward to literary ambition than this faint reflection of the past grandeur of epic poetry, which is only great because it is impersonal. Mr. Ralston’s translation leaves nothing to desire in the matter of accuracy or colouring, and the fables which he has added are not amongst the least welcome. The short preface and memoir prefixed to the volume, and the historical and literary notes on some of the fables, have been...